
If you have taken this workshop, please feel free to review the program, the instructors and the effectiveness of the workshop.

32 Responses to Reviews

  1. Donna Jones says:

    I just completed this workshop on Saturday. Wow. Father Ed covered so much. He made it very interesting and I even belly-laughed throw it at times. He had so much knowledge and used personal stories to drive home the point. I highly recommend it to anyone with anger “issues.”

  2. John says:

    It was OK. I was bored at times, but had to take the class.

  3. Kevin says:

    This was the best 5 hours I have spent in a long time. The program is incredible and Father Ed makes it so….believable. He tells so many stories and well, it’s like he knows me and what I’m going through. Anyone who has anger issues should take this workshop. It’ll change your life.

    • Marjorie Swett says:

      Could you please tell me how to contact the program? I am attempting to refer someone, not on a court-ordered basis, and I can’t locate any contact information.

      Thank you.
      Marjorie Swett, MSW

  4. anonymous says:

    Wow. I learnt more in a few hours about myself and my relationships then I have learnt all my life. Thank you Father Ed. UR real life examples spoke to me presonally. Thanks so much! and keep up the good work for the homeless.

  5. Tamara says:

    This was VERY beneficial. Father Ed was very engaging, and presented the material in great real-life examples. I would recommend this to anybody that is looking to take an anger management class for any reason whatsoever.

  6. anonymous says:

    I’m a licensed psychologist in the State of Maryland and anonymously audited this workshop. I am amazed at how succinctly this program is put together. It covered most of the important aspects of anger management from a cognitive behavioral approach. The only downside I can see is how much material is covered at one time. One must pay attention to grasp it all. The instructors do however, warn you of this, and provide an outline to follow along with as well as to be used as a reminder of the topics covered.

    I will be referring many of my clients to this program. It’s well worth twice the amount they charge.

  7. John says:

    Just took the workshop in Glen Burnie this month. Wow. There was sooooo much to learn. The time just flew by. And now I just found out they’re having workshops in Columbia, where I live. Makes me angry….ooops. Sorry Father Ed….I’ll do better next time. Seriously, your workshop is outstanding. Made me think. Made me realize there was so much I didn’t know about my feelings. Thank you so much!

  8. Justin says:

    I just completed the anger management workshop today. It was very informative, exceptionally well run and I will recommend it to anyone in the future that is struggling to understand or control their anger. I wish I had this workshop before making some of the decisions I have made that could have been prevented, however I will continue to use the tools I learned to prevent myself from making those same mistakes again.

  9. sherrelle says:

    i thought the class was awesome. it taught me sooooooooooooo much and it went by real fast cause it was interesting.

  10. Dr. Richard Jaffe, M.D. says:

    I have referred three patients to this workshop; all three have returned stating how beneficial the program was for them personally. Along with the feedback from them, I’m impressed with the curriculum that has captured sound cognitive behavioral therapy so succinctly in a one day workshop. The program, in my estimation, is brilliant. I would recommend it for anyone who wants to work on their relationships with others as well as learn how to empower the emotion of anger in a way that builds rather than destroys. Excellent!

    • Fr. Ed says:

      Thank you for the review Dr. Jaffe. We are delighted your people have gotten so much out of the workshop. It has been 25 years in the making. Many years ago I was a Certified Instructor with the NIC’s program called “Thinking for a Change.” That program was developed by some of the greatest cognitive behavioral therapists in the country. Over the years, I’ve stream lined the program with the help of Dr. Trish Gaffney, our clinical director. Thanks again for the referrals. This is the only program we charge for and it is a major source of income for Emmaus Center. Blessings, +Ed

  11. Tyrone says:

    great workshop. didn’t think i would like it but i did.

  12. Howard says:

    Took the workshop last Saturday. It was really great. So much about anger I didn’t know. I’m glad I took it. Thanks.

  13. Patty says:

    i just finished the workshop yesterday. wow! i really learned a lot. i liked it taht it was only one day. thanks. 🙂 it was really worth it.

    • Fr. Ed says:

      Patty, it was a delight having you in the workshop on Saturday. I appreciated your enthusiasm and questions. I hope you’re able to use the tools we offered you. So many have told me how much it changed their lives. PLEASE, stay in touch and let me know how you’re doing. Blessings.

  14. EC says:

    Overall, it was well worth the time and money.
    1. It was offered in one day.
    2. The instructor was engaging…kept my attention.
    3. It gave me alot of insight into my anger and how to deal with it.
    4. The tools they offered worked!
    5. It changed my life.
    1. We only got 5 minute breaks between lessons. (I smoke and it just wasn’t enough time).
    2. There’s alot of information to take home with you (Fortunately they give you an outline of the course so that you can refer to it when you get home).

    All-in-all, I would recommend it for anyone who is having problems with their anger. I’ve taken other classes and talked to other about their classes. This seems to be the best program out there.

  15. leon says:

    i went because i had to. but once i got there i really learnt alot. an my girlfriend tells me i’m sweeter. Ha! that makes me happy and my girl too.

    • Fr. Ed says:


      You were a delight to have in our workshop. I’m really glad you got so much out of it. I’m even more delighted your girlfriend thinks so too!

  16. Jack says:

    I guess I’ve been an angry man all my life. I grew up with a father who was angry and beat us and my mom too. I never thought I’d turn out to be like him, but I did. The workshop I took from you guys helped me so much. I have had several legal situations that involved “domestic violence,” and after taking this course I see now that I don’t have to act this way. Not only did the workshop give me real, tangible tools to help me control my rage, it has also given me hope. Hope that it doesn’t have to be that way. I can change and I am! Thank you guys. Your workshop has been a lifesaver. Truly. No exaggeration. Thanks,

    • Fr. Ed says:

      Use all that anger you have for something good. Remember, some of the most influential people in the world are angry and yet not violent. Think of Martin Luther King, Jr and Ghandi. Two very angry men, accomplished so much for the world and yet they were known for their non-violence.

  17. Sharon Lewis says:

    The workshop showed me many things about myself. It helped me realize how my resentments carry over into the relationship I have with my boyfriend and how much it is a source of my anger…doing things I really don’t want to do, but do them anyway. That really spoke to me.

    The tools for managing my anger are so good! Why weren’t we ever taught this stuff earlier in life? I really appreciate the program. It was well worth the money and time. One suggestion: Make some breaks longer than 5 minutes. It would be appreciated by those of us who still smoke!

    • Fr. Ed says:

      Sharon, resentments are a cancer in relationships and will ultimately remove any life it once had. Keep on using and practicing the principles we showed you in the workshop…remember, it’s OK to say “no, I can’t do that” if you’re going to resent it later.

  18. Larry F says:

    I must admit I went to this class with dread. But once I got there, Father Ed made the whole thing worthwhile. I was amazed at how insightful he was. I learned alot from this class and would recommend it to anyone who struggles with anger. Thanks Father Ed, you gave me alot of understanding into my own anger. And thanks for helping me answer some of the questions on the quiz!

    • Fr. Ed says:

      Larry, it was great having you in the workshop today. I’m really happy you got so much out of it. Thanks for the kind words. My best wishes go out to you. May you use all the tools we offered you to have a happier life. Blessings, Father Ed+

  19. Richard says:

    I took the workshop on a Saturday. I liked the idea that I could get a court approved workshop in one day. Fr. Ed threw alot of stuff at us and it made me have to pay attention. There was a quiz at the end of each part – not hard at all if you listen.

    The time went by fast. There was so much I didn’t know about myself and it seemed like he was in my living room. I know he wasn’t, but man, he sure knew about my anger stuff. I’m grateful I took the class even though I had to. I learned more about my feelings and emotions in 6 hours and I think I’m a better person for it. I know my anger is alot better than before.

    • Fr. Ed says:

      You have an advantage over 90% of the people in the world today with the tools you received at the workshop. Tools are something we need to constantly use before we get better with them. Keep up the good work.

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